Educational visits
We hope to enrich the learning experience of children through their visit to a real working farm, providing the farm and countryside as an outdoor classroom. We are happy to discuss your requirements to help provide a meaningful farm visit and the raw material for your follow-up work at school.
We host ‘not for profit’ visits from local schools, Sixth Form students, City schools, Academies and Agricultural colleges. For all ages and abilities.
We welcome other visitors from Scouts to Government ministers, the Surrey Hills AONB and Defra to overseas farmers.
Booking is required for all visits to Manor Farm.
Complete and send the Enquiry/Booking Form below and we will contact you to discuss details and organise a pre-visit if required.
We have worked with The Country Trust since 2009 hosting Educational farm visits and this is what Jill Attenborough, Country Trust CEO had to say:
“The Country trust is a leading provider of high quality experiences of food, farming and the countryside for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
We rely on a network of amazing hosts who welcome children to their farms, including the Matthews family who have enthusiastically hosted Country Trust educational visits.
They have shared their passion for sustainable farming with hundreds of children, primarily from disadvantaged backgrounds who have little or no understanding of or connection with the working countryside and where and how their food is produced.”
Manor Farm received full accreditation to host schools visits in 2007.
The Countryside Educational Visits Accreditation Scheme (CEVAS) was established in 2003 to help farmers and growers provide
safe and worthwhile visits to all kinds of farms. This National scheme has been developed by Access to Farms, DEFRA and Department for Education and Skills.
The accreditation has two elements; training for farmers working with children during farm visits and a farm assessment.
Manor Farm has achieved and important benchmark by being awarded the Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) Quality Badge which informs teachers and others organising educational visits that they can be assured of good educational experiences.